If you are experiencing issues watching OnDemandKorea on your computer:

1. Please try using another web browser (Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari)

2. Lower the video resolution (1080p, 720p, 540p) of your video

3. If the issues still persist, please send us an email at help@ondemandkorea.com.

OnDemandKorea's video player is most compatible with the following Internet Browsers.

Desktop Browsers

• Chrome v.65 and up

• Edge v.16 and up

• Firefox v.60 and up

• Internet Explorer v.11 and up

• Safari v.10 and up

Mobile Device

• Android v.4.4 / iOS v.11 and up

• Chrome v.63 and up

• Safari v.10 and up

* Please refer to the links below in order to download the OnDemandKorea app.